Welcome to Charles Simmons Music & Fitness! Here you’ll find information about my work as an entertainer, vocal coach, and personal fitness trainer.
I’m also the creator of the VOXXBODY®, the award-winning home workout program that combines fitness training with vocal exercises. It’s probably the coolest home workout program on the market today.
I’ve been helping people train their voices and bodies for a long time, and I’ve made it my life’s mission to entertain, motivate and inspire people.
If I can help you achieve your vocal or fitness goals, please contact me. I would be honored to help you. With me, you’ll train like an athlete, but feel like a rock star!
The Best Vocal Warm Up Exercises
The pros and cons of singing scales I’ve been a singer for a very long time. As part of my training, I had to sing TONS of scales…and I hated every minute of it. Having said that, I do appreciate...
The Coolest Way To Train Your Voice
Do you want to get in shape, but don’t want to go to the gym or work out at home? Do you want to practice your vocal skills, but don’t have time or place to do it? What If I told you that there was...
How To Overcome Stage Fright
Stage fright and you Stage fright is no fun. It’s something that people who present themselves in front of others experience all the time. But what if I told you that there’s a way to quickly and...
…is my first love. It will be my last.
First and foremost, I’m a musician. Be it singing, writing, composing, producing, or coaching; my love for music is the driving force behind EVERYTHING I do.
…gives me purpose, builds my focus and makes me a better singer.
A strong body makes a healthy voice. Physical fitness is a vital aspect of every singer’s life, and being able to help others achieve their fitness goals is an important part of my life.
Use Your Voice To Help You Get Fit.
I’m passionate about helping people make positive changes in their lives, so I’ve created a fun, innovative home workout program where you use one of the most potent fitness tools you already have: your voice.
VOXXBODY® combines fitness training with vocal & speech exercises. By using your voice to enhance your workout, you’ll not only get in great shape, but you’ll also dramatically improve your vocal endurance and power.
Here you’ll find some of my music and video releases and videos from the past few years.